What are COAL scores?
The College Ongoing Attitude to Learning (COAL) score is a method designed to provide regular feedback to parents and carers, in additional to semseter reports, regarding their child’s engagement in the learning process.
Calculating COAL scores
- Scoring method: Each class teacher assigns a score out of ten to students based on their efforts, using a predefined scoring matrix.
- Average calculation: These individual class scores are then averaged to determine the overall COAL score for each student.
- Feedback and delivery: Parents receive a letter detailing the individual class and overall average COAL score for their child, sent home each term.
Understanding COAL scores
- Non-academic: COAL scores reflect attitude and behavior in class, not academic performance.
- Reward and support structures: Students scoring in the Gold (9 & 10 band) receive rewards, while those in the Brown (4 to 5) and Red (1 to 3) bands are identified for additional support.
How COAL scores help
- Successful implementation: Adapted from successful programs in other NSW high schools, COAL scores have enhanced communication between school and home.
- Parental involvement: Parents are encouraged to discuss with teachers how their child can improve and to link home-based rewards to COAL scores.
"COAL Scores are a great way to motivate students with class participation and set personal goals based on our College PBL. COAL score helped me monitor my own work ethic and put my best effort into my work." - Lilly Carson, Year 12 SRC member.
"COAL Scores are a great initiative. It encourages students to focus on their behaviour and PBL values, the excursions at the end of the year are a bonus! COAL scores encouraged me to do my personal best and set personal goals to aim for." - Carley Cocking Year 12, Vice-Captain.
"COAL Scores are a useful initiative that encourage students to perform at their personal best and follow our College PBL values. The greatest aspect is that its behaviour based not just academic. COAL Score showed me when I was achieving my personal best and gave me an opportunity to assess my personal goals. It was always a great feeling to see my hard work being acknowledged by my teachers and being rewarded for it." - Felicity Wilson, Year 12 SRC member.
Whe do we collate COAL scores?
COAL scores are collated for students in Years 7 to 10, beginning in Week 8 of each term, with parent letters following.
Find out more
Parents are encouraged to contact the respective Campus Deputy Principal for any queries regarding COAL scores.
The College values parental support in fostering a culture of continuous improvement and high standards in student learning, and looks forward to continued collaboration in this endeavor.