Hastings Secondary College

Excellence Innovation Opportunity Success

Parents and Citizens Association

Both Westport and Port Macquarie campuses have a Parents & Citizens (P&C) Association. The P&C is an important forum for parents and carers, staff and community members to talk about school matters. They meet monthly to discuss strategies to raise funds and support the college. By joining the P&C, you can contribute to our college decision-making processes. 

Why you should join

Joining the P&C is a wonderful chance to make friends and contribute to your child's educational journey. By becoming a member, you'll take part in decision-making, share your expertise and connect with the campus community. We would love to have you on board!

Port Macquarie Campus P&C Association

Join us

To become a member, please email the Port Macquarie Campus P&C Secretary: secretary@HSCPMCpandc.onmicrosoft.com


Meetings are scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month during the school term. They will be held at 6:00 pm in the Haddon Room at the Hastings Secondary College Port Macquarie PCYC.

P&C executive

  • President: Stephen Mansfield

  • Vice President: Deanne Tilden

  • Treasurer: Kate Gallagher

  • Secretary: Julia Shearsby

Donate to our Port Macquarie Campus P&C Association

You can support student-led activities and achievements throughout the year by making a donation to Hastings Secondary College, Port Macquarie Campus P&C Association

BSB: 032586
Account: 448502

More information

For additional inquiries like becoming a voting member, please email: secretary@hscpmcpandc.onmicrosoft.com

Follow our Facebook page to stay connected. You can also find a quick guide at the Parents & Citizens Federation's website.

Westport Campus P&C Association

Join us

To become a member, please contact the Westport Campus P&C via email at hastings.sc.westportcampus@gmail.com


Meetings take place at 6:00 pm on the third Monday of each month during the school term at Jimmy's Bar, Westport Club.

P&C executive

  • President: Susan Harris

  • Secretary: TBC

  • Treasurer: Stephanie Duncan

Donate to our Westport Campus P&C Association

You can support student-led activities and achievements throughout the year by making a donation to Hastings Secondary College, Westport Campus P&C Association.

BSB: 533000
ACC: 32842415

More information

For further details, please contact the Westport Campus P&C via email at hastings.sc.westportcampus@gmail.com.

Follow our Facebook page to stay connected. You can also find a quick guide at the Parents & Citizens Federation's website.