Hastings Secondary College was formed in 2015 with two 7-12 campuses - Port Macquarie and Westport. The College has grown dynamically with staff, parents and students working together to promote public education in an area spoilt for choice in terms of educational offerings. We have 175 dedicated teachers consisting of early career, mid–career and experienced teachers, along with support and administrative staff. The student body consists of an enrolment of 1450, a significant increase from 1265 students at the end of 2018. The College has an Aboriginal enrolment of 255. The College has an envious and formidable connection with the Hastings Valley Public Schools (HVPS) and is an active participant in a range of K-12 events.
We have created a dynamic learning environment that provides a diverse curriculum that allows students to pursue individual pathways. We provide a shared curriculum, allowing students to study subjects not available at their home campus.

We offer extension courses in several subjects and offer a variety of Vocational Education courses that allow students to obtain school–based and Australian Framework Certification opportunities. Transition to work programs and Vocational Education Training (VET) courses are a significant part of our curriculum. Our Trade Training Centres in Hospitality and Metals Engineering continue to play an important role in our Stage 6 Pathways approach. There are a variety of programs and activities open to Aboriginal students including the Clontarf Academy for boys and Sista Connections for girls. Hastings Secondary College achieves excellent academic results. We have a variety of creative and performing arts programs including choirs, bands, and a dance performance team. Our Public Speaking, Tournament of the Minds and Debating teams consistently compete to a high standard. The College has a well–structured student wellbeing program that caters to the needs of individuals.
A comprehensive situational analysis has been conducted which led to development of the 2021-2025 Strategic Improvement Plan, both of which involved genuine consultation with students, staff, parents and the local AECG. Through our situational analysis, we have identified a need to use the majority of the school's equity funding to support a range of initiatives, particularly focused on literacy, attendance, PBL and data skills and use.
There will also be a focus on Higher School Certificate performance including staff professional learning around deeper analysis and use of data to develop both individual and group support programs. Each faculty will develop ways of deepening the knowledge base of their students.
We are One College.
We do this by providing:
- a safe, happy, caring and cooperative learning environment
- a relevant, challenging and flexible curriculum
- relationships based on mutual respect and honesty
- a partnership between students, staff, parents and the community
- by modelling excellence and challenging every student to perform their personal best.
We will:
- pursue excellence in all spheres
- focus on literacy, numeracy and the development of technology skills
- better prepare students for employment
- expand our commitment to physical fitness for all students
- expand programs in the creative and performing arts
- maintain the focus on good discipline and effective learning
- promote civic responsibility and community values in our students
- challenge our students to be the best version of themselves and achieve their personal best.
- develop environmental awareness, understanding, and action in students
- improve the campus experiences of students with special education needs
- advance Aboriginal education and reconciliation programs
- provide opportunities to students in a range of extra-curricula activities
Meaghan Cook
Principal - Hastings Secondary College