Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.
The promotion of learning is, naturally, at the heart of the school’s ethos; pride and enjoyment in learning is promoted not just as part of schooling but as a lifelong pursuit. The cultivation of excellent teaching and learning is a fundamental part of the way the College and its Campuses is led.
Inspirational Teachers
Some of the most inspirational real-life teachers have managed to instill in their students the desire to achieve, often in unique ways. Our teachers are without question dedicated, passionate professionals who put aside their own lives to better the lives of others.
Our outstanding teachers at Hastings Secondary College are passionate about teaching students and demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of their subjects, making learning fun, as exciting, engaging lessons are pivotal to students learning.
Inspiring our students is integral to ensuring their success and encouraging them to fulfill their potential.
Our teachers are the trusted source of advice for students helping students to pursue higher education, explore career opportunities and compete in events that might otherwise not thought themselves able to.
Staff Professional Learning
At Hastings Secondary College we are committed to deepening and expanding our shared commitment to equity and excellence to ensure that every student will be ready for the next stage of their education.
The knowledge and skills required for students to thrive in the future-focussed learning which continues to rapidly change. The exponential growth of literacy demands is closely connected to our changing economy, labour market, and technological advancements.
Change and learning for students and teachers
Students’ learning is constantly in flux and as things change - circumstances, technologies and societies - so do students' educational needs.
Along with change, new developments in curriculum and teaching arise, and gaps open up in teachers’ capabilities to meet new needs. This continual process affects all teachers at all career stages, and engaging teachers in targeted professional development bridges these gaps.
Improved teachers and better student outcomes
Effective professional development builds the knowledge, skills and qualities of teachers to improve the outcomes of their students. When teachers engage in effective professional development:
their enhanced knowledge and skills improves their teaching
their improved teaching then enhances their students’ outcomes.
This process is supported by the often-cited meta-analysis by Yoon (2007) which claims that average students can potentially increase their achievement significantly, when their teachers participate in quality professional development.
The Deputy Principal College
The Deputy College role focuses on rigorous instruction, collaborative teachers, effective leadership, and a clear focus on student achievement.
Together with the Principal Leadership Team (PLT), the Deputy Principal College focus is on the strategy and tools to continuously improve instruction, and provide our students with the rigorous learning experiences they all deserve. To identify what instruction every student is receiving, how they're receiving it, why they are receiving it and how it can be improved.
We know that successful schools drive improvement through forming and empowering teams dedicated solely to directing and leading instructional improvements.
The Deputy College is driven by the belief that collective instructional leadership and strengthening teacher practice has the greatest impact on student learning.
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